Why the move?

Up to now HaxBall has been hosted by Google App Engine, a pretty eccentric cloud hosting service. Unfortunately they have recently announced a huge increase in price which left me with no choice but to move HaxBall to some other more conventional hosting service.

How does it affect the users?

The move is going to be gradual and today I’m starting by redirecting the room list to the new host. When this happens the room list will be cleared and users will need to refresh the site to see the new rooms.

Other than this there should be no difference from the usual HaxBall experience. And just to be clear: This change cannot cause any type of in game lag, it will _ only  _affect the room list.

Oh well!

Hopefully if the move works out fine I’ll be back at adding new features and fixing bugs on the HaxBall client soon :)

( Update: The new server is working like a charm. I’m now redirecting www.haxball.com into it. )