More UI changes and some bug fixes.


  • Moved menu and settings button to the top right corner of the screen.
  • Added volume slider next to menu button.
  • Added ToggleChat key in input settings. When bound pressing this key will toggle the chat visibility. Pressing enter or tab to focus the chat will make the chat visible while focused but will hide again after you are done.
  • Added an Empty rooms filter in the rooms menu screen.
  • Made the hardcoded view mode keys (1,2,3,4 and 0) deactivate themselves if you have bound those keys to something else in the input settings.
  • Score and timer bar no longer disappear when looking at the room’s lobby menu (Esc menu).
  • Fixed visual bugs that were happening in older versions of chrome.
  • Fixed bug where loading certain broken maps would crash a host. Headless rooms that don’t update to this new release will still be vulnerable but at least the game interface wont let you load invalid maps anymore.

The menu and settings button in the top right is in my opinion a more logical place for it to be. With the ability to fully collapse the chat I wanted the buttons to still be visible. I’m considering moving the Link Rec and Leave buttons from the esc menu over there too.